NWALCERTIFIED.COM Waiver functionality

    Team Reps/Computers

    It appears we can see/approve NWAL waivers at the Team Rep level now.  Up until now NWAL officers have been approving or denying waivers, not because we wanted to take that approval function away from the Divisions but unfortunately becasue the system was not functioning properly.  Team Reps, please log in today to nwalcertified.com and approve/deny any waivers that are pending for your Division.  Remember the system is looking for all Reps in the Division to approve or deny the waivers listed.  Practices have started so it is critical to log in often to check for waivers and approve/deny.

    A quick review of waivers:

    • Waivers are required for swimmers that live in a community represented by a NWAL swim team that request an exception for an approved reason
    • If a swimmer does not live in a community represented by a swim team they are free to swim for any team and no waiver is required
      • Team Reps and Computer personnel are expected to scan registrations to validate your swimmers either live in your core area community or have an approved waiver
    • Waivers are valid for as long as the swimmer swims for that team
      • Often younger siblings start swimming and we get questioned on whether they need a waiver as well.  Yes we need a waiver for the younger siblings but as long as the reason is still valid it is expected that it will be approved
    • We are not approving waivers for age based exceptions.  Swimmers must be 18 or younger.
    • Pages 4-7 of the rulebook Section II. Eligibility governs waivers.
      • Refer to section J. for examples of valid reasons for waivers
        • Transportation is the most common reason given, but must be work-related and validated by the Team Rep.  If we give a waiver for every transportation related exception there will be abuse, so prepare to be challenged by a NWAL officer.  We hate to question anyone's integrity but unfortunately we are aware of some abuses.
        • Some teams are reaching size restrictions and halting registration.  Swimmers from these communities are free to join a different team, but still need a waiver.  We expect size restriction waivers to be approved
        • If a swimmer goes to a school in a different community then we consider that a valid reason for a waiver approval
        • If a family moves to a new community and wants to continue to swim for their old swim team that is a valid waiver reason.  If they swim for the new team but then want to go back to the old team then this waiver reason would not apply.
        • The section J list of exceptions is not all inclusive
    • We are aware the Core Area listings need to be updated, but the 2018 list is still valid for the teams listed

    Contact Jonathan Armstrong, NWAL Eligibility at [email protected] with waiver questions.

    Thank you for all you do for our NWAL swimmers.  Looking forward to a fantastic summer league season!

    Jason Green

    NWAL Board President

    [email protected]

    (713) 819-5474

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