Divisional Clarifications

    Hello All,

    Divisionals week it here!  It has been a long, fun season, but it draws to a close this weekend.  I hope everyone has been successful and enjoyed it as much as I have.

    I need to send out a couple of clarifications for this weekend's meets.

    Relay Participation - The change I made in the rulebook was deleted with the Division Finals section.  Swimmers can participate in 3 individual events and 3 relay events, one each of medley relay, mixed relay and freestyle relay.  

    Eligibility - Swimmers need to have participated in 2 dual meets to qualify for Divisionals.  Week 1 saw some rainouts.  If the swimmer was entered into the meet during the exchange on Thursday and your meet was rained out, the meet would qualify as a "splash" for one of the dual meet requirements.  If they were not entered on Thursday, it does not count.  

    Good luck to everyone this weekend!

    Olen Walton - NWAL - 1st Vice President - Officials Chair

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